Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

The Hypocritical KMT Are Starting to Grasp at Straws, But Then It is Election Time.

This Sunday, the hypocritical KMT still have not returned the stolen state assets of Taiwan; those are the assets that made the KMT what some estimate as the richest political party in the world. Not to worry, the KMT who count on Taiwanese having poor memories, have decided to call an anti-corruption march to gain votes for their Taipei mayoral candidate Hau Lung-bin. Yes that is the same Hau whose Deputy Secretary took the fall for him in the recent cost-inflation, and cost overrun scandals in the Taipei Floral Show and the Xinyi Overpass Rip-off.


War Clouds Over Taiwan

Pray for Peace

Beijing's expectations that Taiwanese will relinquish their separate identity will be disappointed

Two years into his term, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou seems to have transformed the dynamics of his country's troublesome relationship with China. But this détente is only a temporary phenomenon. The risk of war in the Taiwan Strait is actually growing as Beijing's expectations for a political end to the unfinished civil war rise, and Taiwan's ability to defend itself against attack withers.


China Gives Taiwan Another Slap in the Face: Ma Ying-jeou Waits to See What Way the Wind is Blowing.

Taiwanese Taekwondo champion, Yang Shu-chun was disqualified by judges in China in a controversial call over the type of socks she was wearing in what appears to have been a set-up to get her out of the competition.

With this second slap in the face, following that of the Tokyo Film Festival, the government of Ma Ying-jeou appears to be waiting to see what way the wind of Taiwanese protest is blowing before it comes out with an official statement.


Fixing the Asian Games

To what lows would China stoop to protect its already tarnished image and save face? Over the years, we’ve seen a lot of knee-jerk reactions out of China when it comes to projecting its prowess — the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the mass roundup of Falun Gong practitioners, the “Anti-Secession” Law and shrill reactions to US arms sales to Taiwan — but Wednesday’s twist of fate in the women’s taekwondo event at the Asian Games in Guangzhou, China, really takes the cake.

Officials disqualified Taiwanese taekwondo athlete Yang Shu-chun (楊淑君) for wearing electronic socks that had passed inspections prior to the event, sending her packing just as she was beating her Vietnamese opponent Vu Thi Hau 9-0.


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Taiwan Association for the Care of the Victims of Political Persecution During the Martial Law Period secretary-general Tsai Kuan-yu (蔡寬裕) has called on the government to declassify important articles and reveal the methods that the military police used to extract confessions.

Tsai’s remarks came in the wake of a recent controversy caused by a military police visit to a civilian’s home over an alleged online sale of classified government documents.