Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Getting Rid of the Hypocritical KMT Carpetbaggers Once and for All!

A new broom sweeps clean; that is certainly what Taiwan needs in the coming elections in order to get rid of the privileged KMT carpetbaggers once and for all. Taiwan needs change, change that is pro-Taiwan and not pro-China as the continued insulting efforts of Ma Ying-jeou have been. In the past two and a half years under the failed 6-3-3 promises of Ma, Taiwan has seen continued humiliation and failed promises from the man who has no concept of what Taiwanese identity is about. Neither does his premier, nor do all the KMT candidates up for mayors of the five major municipalities. They all must go.


2010 ELECTIONS: DPP worried over Chen Chih-chung

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators yesterday said they feared a call by pro-localization groups for voters to support former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) son in the Greater Kaohsiung City councilor election tomorrow could affect the party’s performance.

Calling on voters to act “wisely,” DPP Legislator Pan Men-an (潘孟安) said the groups’ support for Chen Chih-chung (陳致中), the former president’s son, could hurt the party in the elections.


Is Taiwan following Ireland into disaster?

In recent days the Irish government has been facing a financial crisis, and has had to look to the EU for aid. The European Central Bank and the IMF are reportedly preparing to make available a sum of 85 billion euros (US$113 billion).

Ireland was once held up by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) as an exemplar of economic development. In early 2006, the pro-China press in Taiwan, the mouthpiece of the KMT, touted the success of Ireland, asking why Taiwan couldn’t achieve success in the same way. It was a weapon with which to attack the cross-strait policy of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), in power at the time. Then-Taipei mayor and current President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) made a study trip to Ireland and, on his return, declared the Irish Experience a model for economic development.


Put your money where your mouth is

After coming under fire for not standing up for Taiwanese taekwondo athlete Yang Shu-chun (楊淑君) in the immediate aftermath of her controversial disqualification from the Asian Games last week, the government finally caught on two days later, holding a press conference on Friday pledging to seek justice for Yang.

However, despite the action undertaken by members of the public who, on their own initiative, gave Yang a hero’s welcome upon her arrival in Taipei on Monday, the government has done little to show that it is determined to follow through on its vow to defend Yang’s name and dignity.


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The The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) yesterday urged the public not to use People’s Republic of China (PRC) passports because it puts them at risk of losing the rights and benefits they have as Republic of China (ROC) citizens.

The council statement followed a report by Hong Kong-based Super Media on Friday that China might launch a pilot program to issue passports for people living in what it describes as the “Taiwan Special Administrative Region” (SAR) as part of its efforts to “solve the Taiwan problem.”