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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwan air defense needs a boost: US commission

As the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission officially released its annual report to the US Congress on Wednesday, commissioner Dan Blumenthal said there was unanimous agreement that “something must be done” to improve Taiwan’s air defense capabilities.

Addressing a packed hearing room in the US Senate, Blumenthal said there was “no silver bullet” that could balance the military forces facing each other across the Taiwan Strait, but that Congress needed to review the situation in a comprehensive manner.


Bill Clinton missed an opportunity

It is good that former US president Bill Clinton had an opportunity to visit Taiwan. The democratic nation’s political isolation has led to the peculiar phenomenon that only future and past US presidents — and secretaries of state or defense for that matter — can visit it.

But the matter raises an important question: Why can’t a current US president visit? The obvious reason is, of course, that China would strenuously object. Still, if our purpose is to support democracy in East Asia, it behooves the US to move toward normalization of relations with Taiwan.


US report urges closer Taiwan-US relationship

In its annual report released yesterday, the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission made a series of recommendations aimed at boosting the Washington-Taipei relationship and pushing the administration of US President Barack Obama to take stronger action on trade issues with China.

The commission recommends that the US Congress direct the Pentagon to “address the issue” of Taiwan’s air defense capabilities, to include a detailed assessment of Taiwan’s needs vis-a-vis China’s growing military air and missile capabilities.


Taiwanese disqualified in sensor spat

Taiwanese taekwondo athlete Yang Shu-chun (楊淑君) was disqualified from the Asian Games yesterday over allegations that she used extra sensors in her socks, a move that sparked claims of a conspiracy and a flood of support from indignant Taiwanese fans and lawmakers.

Yang was disqualified in the first round of her under-49kg bout against Vietnamese opponent Vu Thi Hau, while holding a 9-0 lead.


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Members of the Tokyo Olympics for Taiwan Name Rectification Action Working Group are pictured outside Douliou Train Station in Yunlin County on Aug. 15.
Photo: Chan Shih-hung, Taipei Times

Documentation supporting 20 referendum questions that have entered the second-stage signature drive are yet to be submitted to the Central Election Commission, with time running out before the Nov. 24 local elections, the commission said yesterday.