Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

The KMT Blames the DPP for the KMT's Gangster Connections and Corruption: Go Figure???

Despite hundreds of witnesses, lie-detector tests, confessions and videos of the crime scene, the police seem no closer to solving the shooting of Sean Lien in the face and the killing of an innocent bystander at the KMT rally. Is it police incompetence or does the KMT government of Ma Ying-jeou not want the truth to come out?


Human Rights Day: Tibetan starts 400km walk to Kaohsiung

Surrounded by dozens of friends, Tibetan activists and curious onlookers, the Dalai Lama’s nephew Jigme Norbu launched his 400km-plus walk from Taipei to Kaohsiung at Longshan Temple yesterday morning.

Having walked more than 11,000km, mostly in North America, to raise public awareness on Tibet and advocate independence for it, Norbu will take 13 days to walk from Taipei to Kaohsiung, meeting with supporters and Tibetans living in exile in Taiwan, as well as giving lectures on the Tibet issue at various universities and high schools across the nation.


Ma’s rights speech draws protests

Calling President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) a human rights violator who had no right to talk about human rights, dozens of former political prisoners yesterday protested as the president delivered a speech at the Jingmei Human Rights Cultural Park as part of events to mark International Human Rights Day.

“You’re a transgressor!” “Ma Ying-jeou, step down!” “You don’t deserve to stand there and talk!” “We don’t want to listen to your lies!” the protesters shouted.


Human Rights Day: INTERVIEW: Jigme Norbu walks the long road to Tibet’s independence

Having walked more than 11,000km around the world to promote freedom, human rights and independence for Tibet, the Dalai Lama’s nephew Jigme Norbu began his first “Walk for Tibet” campaign in Asia yesterday in Taipei, and will walk more than 400km to Kaohsiung in 13 days.

“We [Tibetans and Taiwanese] are in the same situation, we should help each other, and we come here to seek help,” Norbu said in an interview with the Taipei Times in Taipei on Thursday. “China is right next door, and maybe they can take over Taiwan one day just like they did in Tibet, we need to let the world know that we need to stop China’s illegal occupation of other countries.”


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Republican Senator John Cornyn on Tuesday accused US President Barack Obama of treating Taiwan in a “deplorable” way and said he was attaching an amendment — aimed at forcing the White House to sell Taipei advanced F-16C/D jets — to a vitally important trade bill.

The provision was to be introduced yesterday, when the Obama administration was expected to officially unveil its latest Taiwanese arms deal package to Congress.

Senior administration officials have already leaked word that the package will not include the 66 F-16C/Ds that Taiwan desperately wants to modernize its air force.