Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Beijing seizes Tibetan nomad land for Chinese migrants

DHARAMSHALA, May 7: In another instance of forced removal of Tibetan nomads from their grasslands, Chinese authorities have grabbed land from three Tibetan nomadic villages in eastern Tibet.

According to sources in the region, the land confiscated from the Setong, Dragmar, and Seru villages will be given to thousands of new Chinese migrants.


China, Foxconn, Apple, and the Tipping Point

"Things fall apart; the center cannot hold." In China, the Bo Xilai scandal continues to unravel and with it the continued cracks in the nation's economic strength and anti-corruption walls are getting wider and wider. Some pundits still cry "Run to China, it will become a responsible stakeholder and will still solve the manufacturing problems of nations." But others are finally beginning to have their doubts. For as the cracks widen, the realization dawns that peaceful-rising China is in reality an "Enron China" in the making, an upcoming disaster replete with the corruption, shady deals and cooked books that previously blew up in the faces of those who once touted Enron as the model to be emulated. "Things fall apart; the center cannot hold," this line from Yeats's, The Second Coming, now takes on greater relevance.


Blind activist Chen Guangcheng wants to leave China: US

Chen Guangcheng, second from left, walks with Kurt Campbell, U.S. assistant secretary of state, fourth from left, Gary Locke, U.S. Ambassador to China, third from left, and U.S. State Department legal adviser Harold Koh, left, in Beijing, China, on Wednesday.
Photo: Bloomberg

US President Barack Obama administration’s diplomatic predicament deepened yesterday, when a blind Chinese legal activist who took refuge in the US embassy said he now wants to go abroad, rejecting a deal that was supposed to keep him safely in China.

Only hours after Chen Guangcheng (陳光誠) left the embassy for a hospital checkup and reunion with his family, he began telling friends and foreign media they feel threatened and want to go abroad. At first taken aback at the reversal, the US State Department said officials spoke twice by phone with Chen and met with his wife, with both affirming their desire to leave.


An about-face, but no apology

At 10pm on Tuesday, the government announced a major about-face in its policy on electricity rates. Rather than the initial plan that would have seen household electricity rates increase by an average of 16.9 percent, commercial rates by 39 percent and industrial rates by 35 percent from May 15, President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) unveiled a scheme to implement the increase in phases.

There will be three stages, Ma said — 40 percent of the original increase on June 10 and 40 percent on Dec. 10, while the date when the remaining 20 percent increase is implemented depends on whether state-run Taiwan Power Co (Taipower) has presented an acceptable reform program to the government.


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Syringes of Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp’s MVC COVID-19 vaccine are pictured in an undated photograph.
Photo courtesy of the Food and Drug Administration

The inspection of the first four batches of the domestic COVID-19 vaccine has been completed and the doses are ready to be rolled out, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said yesterday.