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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Council urged to keep reactor offline

Democratic Progressive Party legislators Yao Wen-chih, left, and Tien Chiu-chin, center, with Green Consumers’ Foundation chairman Jay Fang, hold a press conference outside the legislature in Taipei yesterday, calling on the government to suspend the operation of the Guosheng Nuclear Power Plant in Wanli District, New Taipei City, to allow a safety inspection.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Environmental protection groups and legislators yesterday urged the Atomic Energy Council to reject a proposal by Taiwan Power Co (Taipower) to resume operations at the No. 1 reactor of the Guosheng Nuclear Power Plant in Wanli District (萬里), New Taipei City (新北市), saying that it should first explain why seven anchor bolts of the reactor were damaged.

During a temporary shutdown on March 16 for routine maintenance of the reactor, problems were discovered with some of the anchor bolts used to secure the bottom of the reactor to the steel-reinforced concrete substrate.


Tibetan health chief met Chiu

The health minister for the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamsala, India, visited Taiwan last week to discuss cooperation on health with his Taiwanese counterparts — including Department of Health (DOH) Minister Chiu Wen-ta (邱文達).

Contact between Taiwanese officials and Tibetan representatives is always a sensitive matter given Beijing’s hardline position on Tibet and government-to-government contacts by Taiwanese officials.


Is Chen Shui-bian Being Made a Surrogate Scapegoat for Taiwan? Part III of III

So now, at the end of the day examine how after years of pressuring, harassing, jailing of innumerable alleged accomplices, switching judges, and untold fishing expeditions, all that prosecutors have achieved in Taiwan are two convictions based on questionable and perhaps forced testimony. One is that of a harassed woman Diana Chen and the other is that of a bargained with Jeffrey Koo Jr. a man whose family has played all sides of the law and survived from the Japanese era, through Martial Law, up to the present.


Taipei judge demoted for saying Chen Shui-bian did not get a fair trial

Chen Shui-bian before his imprisonment
Chen Shui-bian before his imprisonment
Photo credit:  ATF/Getty

Su-Lin District Court in Taipei was led by Chief Justice Hong Yin-hua until an interview with the judge was published in the Liberty Times where she said that Chen Shui-bian did not get a fair trial.  Chen, the former president of the Republic of China in-exile, is now serving a lengthy prison sentence for alleged corruption.


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Swaziland’s foreign affairs minister reaffirmed the country’s ties with Taiwan, describing the relationship between the two countries as a marriage that will not end in a divorce, even if China were to approach the country.

During a talk with Taiwanese media on Tuesday, Swazi Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Lutfo Dlamini said that Swaziland and Taiwan “have [been] married for 42 years and we have a provision that there is no room for divorce.”