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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Mother’s Day appeal to Ma Ying-jeou from Chen Shui-bian’s 85 year old mother

Chen Shui-bian's 85 year-old mother calls for his release from
Chen Shui-bian's 85 year-old mother calls for his release from prison
Jay Tu

A Mother’s Day dinner in Taiwan renewed an appeal to Ma Ying-jeou by Chen Lee-shen, the 85 year-old mother of imprisoned Chen Shui-bian, for the release of Ma’s predecessor at the presidential palace.  In April, the elderly mother of Chen Shui-bian made a public appeal to Ma for Chen’s release.


Ma could finally be lost for words

The political approach of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has traditionally been one of style over substance. Nonetheless, when Ma prepared to give his first inaugural speech in 2008, he could not have asked for a better setting for change. He had won with a handsome 58.45 percent of the vote and the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) controlled approximately 75 percent of the 113-seat Legislative Yuan. If he had a desire for substance, change and direction, it was a time to show it. He could be bold in his vision, plans and statements, for he had, in the minds of most, a clear mandate.


Tsai accuses President Ma of heavy-handed rule

In an open letter published yesterday, former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) questioned President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) ability to lead the country.

Tsai said she had three questions for Ma on cross-strait relations: “Is Taiwan a nation? Are Taiwan and China the same nation? And is ‘one country, two areas’ (一國二區) a core principle for future cross-strait policy?”


Tsai says she may be an ‘option’ for 2016

Former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) revealed her interest in running for the presidency again in 2016 for the first time since losing in January’s presidential election, saying in a television interview aired last night that she would make herself an “option.”

“As a politician, I will continue to make myself an option,” Tsai said in response to a question on whether she plans to run again in four years in an interview with Sanlih television, the first she has given since the election.


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The Executive Yuan yesterday announced it was dropping all charges against students who stormed its compound in Taipei in 2014 on the grounds that the filing of the lawsuits were prompted by political considerations in the first place.

At a news conference yesterday morning, Executive Yuan spokesman Tung Chen-yuan (童振源) said Premier Lin Chuan (林全) has ordered the withdrawal of all charges of criminal offenses that are indictable only upon complaint against 126 students who occupied the Executive Yuan in March 2014.