Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

China cuts-off Tibet from outside world following twin self-immolations

Chinese military personnel in the streets of Lhasa, Tibet. (Phayul
file photo)
Chinese military personnel in the streets of Lhasa, Tibet. (Phayul file photo)

DHARAMSHALA, June 7: For the second time in a year, China has cut off Tibet from the outside world with a ban on foreign tourists, just ten days after two Tibetans set themselves on fire in the nation’s capital Lhasa.

Major travel agencies in the region were informed in late May by Chinese authorities that travellers from overseas would not be allowed into Tibet. The agencies were clueless about how long the ban would last.


Treatment of Chen is a national disgrace

As a former governor of Alaska (2002 to 2006) and also having served for 22 years in the US Senate, I have a strong interest in US relations with East Asia. Within that context, Taiwan is a place close to my heart, because I personally got to know the two men who pushed Taiwan in the direction of democracy, former presidents Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) and Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁).

Since that time, Taiwan has gone through some more cycles of change of government, which is an inherent part of a democratic system.


Facing up to Tiananmen

Egypt is the first Arab Spring country that has brought its former ruler to justice, imprisoning former president Hosni Mubarak for life for the killing of protesters last year. Neither Mubarak nor the crowds listening to the sentencing were happy with the verdict: The former was displeased over the severity of the sentence and the latter thought he got off too lightly. Even if you could say this is delayed justice, it is justice nevertheless. This, at least, has been welcomed by many people in the country.


Taiwan-China ties in South China Sea concern US

Although US defense officials welcome recent efforts to improve relations across the Taiwan Strait, some are starting to show a high degree of concern about possible cooperation between Taiwan and China on South China Sea disputes, Taiwanese academics say.

At the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore last weekend, US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said Washington strongly supports the efforts that Taiwan and China have made in recent years to improve cross-strait relations.


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Taiwan Solidarity Union lawmakers yesterday called into question the effectiveness of the government’s border control measures, accusing authorities of being lax in keeping tabs on Chinese visitors entering the country.

Without identifying their source, the legislators said that since 1988, a total of 2,768 Chinese nationals have overstayed their permits to visit Taiwan, while 2,327 others entered the nation and are unaccounted for.