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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Majority oppose US beef imports deal: poll

More than 60 percent of the public does not accept easing the ban on imports of US meat products containing the livestock feed additive ractopamine as a prerequisite to resuming trade negotiations between Taiwan and the US, a public opinion survey found.

According to the poll results released by Taiwan Indicators Research Survey (TIRS) yesterday, 63.4 percent of respondents disagreed with the government’s claim that easing the ban on US beef imports was necessary for the resumption of Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) negotiations with the US.


Agriculture should not be ignored

Recently, heavy rainfall caused the highway between Suao and Hualien to collapse again, cutting off traffic and immediately impacting the transportation of agricultural products out of Hualien.

In order to ensure that farmers did not see their precious crops go to waste, local students and civic groups started an initiative in which train passengers helped transport vegetables by rail in the hope of alleviating some of the farmers’ distribution problems. This initiative garnered support from the public, but was also met with some resistance from farmers who believed it could cause wholesalers to stop buying their produce, which would result in the collapse of local vegetable prices.


DPP accuses Ma of brainwashing students

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators yesterday accused President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) of trying to “de-Taiwanize” high school textbooks to “brainwash” students.

A textbook review committee is making final reviews of various textbook editions for the next school year that starts in September to make sure they follow a curriculum approved in 2009.


Indians to observe 2013 as ‘Year of Tibetan Independence’

(From left to right) J P Sharma, co-convener of Core Group at
Delhi, Vijay Kranti, Core Group’s national co-convener, and Lama
Choephel Zotpa, National Co-convener, Core Group for Tibetan Cause
addressing the press in Dharamshala on June 11, 2012. (Phayul
photo/Norbu Wangyal)
(From left to right) J P Sharma, co-convener of Core Group at Delhi, Vijay Kranti, Core Group’s national co-convener, and Lama Choephel Zotpa, National Co-convener, Core Group for Tibetan Cause addressing the press in Dharamshala on June 11, 2012. (Phayul photo/Norbu Wangyal)

DHARAMSHALA, June 11: At the conclusion of the three-day Fourth All India Tibet Support Groups Conference, organisers today said that Indian supporters will hold a massive rally for Tibet in the Indian capital New Delhi this coming February in commemoration of 2013 as the “Year of Tibetan Independence.”

“A massive rally will be organised in February in the Indian capital in which Indian Tibet support groups and supporters will actively participate,” Vijay Kranti, a long time Tibet supporter and one of the core conveners of the conference said. “We expect over one hundred-thousand supporters to take part in the rally.”


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Members of the Taiwan Association for Human Rights, including secretary-general Chiu Ee-ling, second left, hold flowers at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chang Chia-ming, Taipei Times

Worried that detained human rights advocate Lee Ming-che (李明哲) might have been sentenced in secret, civic groups and legislators yesterday urged the government to take immediate action to protect Lee’s right to appeal.