Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

People must wake up to the truth of Ma’s policy

People in the international community who continue to believe that President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) policies secure Taiwan’s unique position in the world must suffer from collective tomfoolery.

Such pluralistic ignorance is widespread because almost everyone has praised Ma’s efforts in creating peace across the Taiwan Strait, defending Taiwan’s international position and fighting for its democracy. Those who know no better follow the crowd in believing that his achievements are beyond reproach.


Prison harming Chen: experts

The conditions of former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) confinement in prison are “unacceptable” and have affected his physical as well as mental health, US-based medical experts said yesterday.

Joseph Lin, Ken Yoneda and Charles Whitcomb, professors at the University of California at Davis, told the Taipei Times that Chen’s health and the conditions of his confinement were “disturbing” and an issue of human rights and humanitarianism.


Preparing for the next disaster

The torrential rains this week revealed that many parts of the country remain very vulnerable to the forces of nature. In central and southern Taiwan, the storm destroyed bridges and seriously damaged roads, with casualties reported from landslides and flash floods. In the north, the public witnessed extensive flooding, which inundated homes and vehicles and damaged roads following an overnight deluge on Tuesday.

However, while one may quickly blame Mother Nature for spewing fury and showing no mercy over vast swathes of land, there are always actions people could take to prepare for such calamities, hence the role of the government, whose priority should be to protect the public’s well-being and keep people from harm by mitigating dangers and damage efficaciously and expeditiously.


A Strange Justice in Taiwan's Chen Shui-bian Case

Scroll back down to April 13, and see the concusion of how fingers are pointing at the prosecutors for cutting what some may call corrupt deals to get and keep Chen Shui-bian in jail. The only two real witnesses in Chen's case that have been used to convict him on accepting bribes are Jeffrey Koo Jr. and Diana Chen.


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Professor Hsu Shih-jung of National Chengchi University shows his bruises during a press conference at the Legislative Yuan yesterday. The bruises were caused when he was arrested during a protest against the Dapu houses-demolition case.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

A university professor who was arrested on Tuesday during a protest over the forced demolition of houses in Dapu Borough (大埔) in Miaoli County’s Jhunan Township (竹南) accused national security authorities of instructing police to use excessive force against protesters and urged President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration to stop enforcing repressive controls over its people.

“Most of Taipei City’s police officers were nice to me and I believe they were forced by national security authorities to handle the protest with violence. It’s the national security authorities that are uncivilized,” National Chengchi University professor Hsu Shih-jung (徐世榮) said at the Taipei City Council.