Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ma’s blatant lies about fuel prices

Lately, President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has been criticized if fuel prices go up, and if they go down. As Ma explains it, he was right when he decided to hike the prices and he was also right to subsequently cut them, so he feels he really does not deserve the criticism.

People who want to stand up for Ma say the price changes were necessary because of fluctuations in international oil prices. They say that while Ma may be a bit more stupid and a bit more incompetent than other leaders, he is honest, and so should not be criticized too harshly.


Angina causes Lee to miss court date

Former president Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) missed a court date for a corruption case yesterday due to an angina attack, but he was said to be in stable condition after treatment.

The 89-year-old was to attend preliminary proceedings at 9:30am at Taipei District Court for a case in which he is accused of embezzling US$7.8 million from secret diplomatic funds. However, he suffered chest pains at 5am and canceled his appearance.


ECFA, US beef: More empty words?

Discussing the opposition parties’ recent protest over government policies, President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) said the national economy had no future unless the government eased the ban on US beef imports containing ractopamine residues.

The government criticized the opposition for its objection to easing the ban by saying Taiwan’s economic future was at stake. This was a case of choosing the lesser of two evils and the nation had no choice but to compromise for the greater good.


Analyst urges US to deepen Taiwan military relations

The US should deepen and broaden its military relations with Taiwan, a conference on military growth in the Asia-Pacific region has been told.

Project 2049 Institute executive director Mark Stokes said that Taipei could play a bigger role in US defense policy and make a significant contribution to the Pentagon’s new Air Sea Battle strategy. As the US Department of Defense and the administration of US President Barack Obama moves to rebalance its forces in the Asia-Pacific region they should rebalance relations with Taiwan, Stokes said.


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Protesters demonstrate in front of the Executive Yuan in Taipei yesterday against the decision to indict 119 individuals in connection with the Sunflower movement protests in March last year.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times.

Members of dozens of civic groups and about a dozen of the 119 people this week indicted for their activities during the Sunflower movement protests yesterday demonstrated outside the Executive Yuan against the prosecutors’ decision.