Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwan could spark nuclear war: report

Taiwan is the most likely potential crisis that could trigger a nuclear war between China and the US, a new academic report concludes.

“Taiwan remains the single most plausible and dangerous source of tension and conflict between the US and China,” says the 42-page report by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).


Taiwan invitation a recognition of its contribution: Abe

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Wednesday that his government invited Taiwan to send a representative to an earthquake memorial service to make amends for the fact that Taiwan was not properly recognized at last year’s ceremony.

Although Taiwan donated more than ¥20 billion (US$208.2 million) in relief and reconstruction aid after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, more than any other country, it was not named at last year’s anniversary memorial on the list of the countries that had helped Japan, Abe said in a Facebook post.


Taiwan and Chinese Taipei???

While politicians, pundits, media moguls and academics quibble, ponder and parse words in too often self-effacing kowtows to China over discourse, sometimes it takes a good old fashioned, common sense, down to earth baseball manager like Buck Showalter, manager of the Baltimore Orioles to cut through the crap and say it is time to tell it like it is and express what is a de facto reality, namely Taiwan is Taiwan and China is China--end of story!


ROC has no right to sovereignty

In a recent letter to the Taipei Times (Letters, March 8, page 8) it was stated that the Cairo Declaration cannot be used as legal backing for the Republic of China (ROC) government’s sovereignty claim over Taiwan. The Cairo Declaration aside, there are many other statements and documents which are regularly used by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) government to justify its sovereignty claims.

It can be very instructive to view these statements and documents in a systematic fashion from the viewpoint of the customary law of the post-Napoleonic period.


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Surveillance cameras hang on a post in front of Hikvision Digital Technology’s headquarters in Hangzhou, China, on May 28, 2019.
Photo: Bloomberg

Government agencies are to be banned from using any Chinese electronics from the end of this year, rather than have a “blacklist” of products that must be continually updated, a source within the Executive Yuan said on Saturday.