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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ma is lying about the nuclear plant

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has said, following a suggestion by Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) last week that the government order an immediate halt to the construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant in New Taipei City’s (新北市) Gongliao District (貢寮) without waiting for a referendum, that such a move would be unconstitutional and illegal. Either Ma, who holds a doctorate in juridical science from Harvard Law School, has misunderstood the Council of Grand Justices’ constitutional interpretation, or he is willfully misleading the legislature and the public.


Breaking: Tibetan woman self-immolates on eve of Xi’s appointment as president

DHARAMSHALA, March 17: Exile Tibetan media are reporting on a self-immolation protest by a Tibetan woman on the eve of Xi Jinping’s formal selection as the new President of China earlier this week.

According to Tibetan news reports, Kunchok Wangmo, in her 30s, set herself on fire protesting China’s rule at around midnight on Wednesday, March 13 in the Dzoege region of Ngaba, eastern Tibet. She passed away in her fiery protest.


Nuclear power plant stress tests are flawed: alliance

The Green Citizens’ Action Alliance said yesterday that the conclusions of an international team of experts on Friday that the nation’s three operating nuclear power plants had passed a stress test were flawed, and that civic groups should be allowed to participate in the tests.

The assessment of the stress test reports of the three operating nuclear power plants, released by a peer review team from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Nuclear Energy Agency, concluded that, overall, the test was implemented properly and its measurements were adequate, with a few caveats.


Breaking: Kirti monk marks March 16 with self-immolation, Toll rises to 108

Tibetan self-immolator Lobsang Thokmey.
Tibetan self-immolator Lobsang Thokmey.

DHARAMSHALA, March 16: A Tibetan monk in Ngaba region of eastern Tibet has become the 108th Tibetan living under China’s rule to self-immolate, marking five years since the 2008 peaceful protests in the region.

Lobsang Thokmey, 28, a monk at the Kirti Monastety set himself on fire today at around 2:40 pm (local time). He passed away in his protest.

According to the Dharamshala based Kirti Monastery, Lobsang Thokmey doused his body with kerosene in front of his monastic quarters in the west of the Kirti Monastery and started running towards the east.


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The business cards of some Taiwanese diplomats posted overseas are pictured in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Lu Yi-hsuan, Taipei Times

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) yesterday denied media reports that it required embassies not to use “Taiwan” on staff name cards, saying the redesign of the cards has not been finalized.