Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Breaking: 110th Tibetan Self-immolation

Undated photo of Kal Kyi
Undated photo of Kal Kyi

DHARAMSHALA, March 24: A Tibetan woman today set herself on fire in an apparent protest against China’s continuing occupation of Tibet.

Thirty-year-old Kal Kyi, a mother of four has set herself ablaze protesting near Jonang monastery in Zamthang in Eastern Tibet at 3:30 pm (local time).


Taiwanese scholars say Chen Shui-bian’s trial is political persecution

Taipei District Judge Hong Yin-Hua says the Ministry o Justice has failed to establish criteria for medical parole as ordered by the Control Yuan.

A new book, Judicial Justice and Human Rights—The Chen Shui-bian Case, details a pattern of political persecution say the Taiwanese scholars who co-authored the study. Published by the Taiwan Association of University Professors, the book is a collection of eight academic theses examining the circumstances of the prosecution of the former president of the Republic of China in-exile.


Nuclear experts lacking empathy

People in favor of nuclear power often condescend to supporters of the anti-nuclear movement, saying: “You do not know what you’re talking about, you are not scientists, yours is an irrational fear.” By this, they mean that “you don’t have a background in nuclear power engineering, you don’t understand anything about nuclear power plants, so you are not qualified to have a say in the debate about nuclear safety.”

However, who is most qualified to talk about nuclear safety? Is it the nuclear power engineers? Are they really the highest authority on the dangers of nuclear power?


Taiwan gets barred from Jakarta defense summit

A Taiwanese delegation was forced to withdraw from the third Jakarta International Defense Dialogue (JIDD) without being given an explanation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs deputy spokesman Calvin Ho (何震寰) said yesterday.

Ho said that the ministry has already instructed the Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Jakarta to demand an explanation from the Indonesian government, which was hosting the conference, soon after the four-member delegation was informed that it could not attend the summit.


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US Secretary of State John Kerry promised a member of the US Congress on Wednesday that he would look into the imprisonment of former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), who is in failing health.

Kerry also agreed to investigate the status of Taiwan’s request to buy eight diesel-electric submarines from the US.