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New Book Warns of Chinese Regime's Objective of Unifying Taiwan

A number of senior Chinese officials have visited Taiwan in recent weeks, as relations ease between the two sides. But according to his new book, titled "Taiwan Grand State Strategies”, Chinese law professor in exile, Yuan Hongbing says high-level visits like these may be harming the interests of Taiwan.

[Yuan Hongbing, Author of “Taiwan Grand State Strategies”]:
“These high ranking communist officials are in fact a commando team that visits Taiwan with the intent to unify it, and to desecrate its free and democratic system.”

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 08 February 2023 14:40 ) Read more...

Seeing The 228's Sunlight

On Februray 28th 2010, we, @-Bian Custers, gathered together with the yearning of the heart.

Memorial ...
Set a pledge ...
And be brave to ...
Because ...

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 08 February 2023 14:43 ) Read more...

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Aborigines left homeless by Typhoon Morakot said they have decided to file a complaint with the UN against President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) for not respecting their rights.

Aborigines are “disappointed” with the government’s response to their call for the right to decide how they should rebuild their homes, said Oto Micyang, who is in charge of liaison affairs for the Indigenous Peoples Action Coalition, which organized an overnight protest in front of the Presidential Office on Saturday.