Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Home Video Watch Seeing The 228's Sunlight

Seeing The 228's Sunlight

On Februray 28th 2010, we, @-Bian Custers, gathered together with the yearning of the heart.

Memorial ...
Set a pledge ...
And be brave to ...
Because ...

Chen Shui-bian was political persecution.
Need a stable power.

Bearing in mind the 228 Massacre.
Faith in 228's spirits to found a nation.

(Video Edited by Aries ; Embed: Blip, Youtube

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 08 February 2023 14:43 )  


Chinese Nationalist Party Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia yesterday speaks to reporters at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.
Photo: CNA

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia (夏立言) yesterday left with a delegation for a trip to China, drawing fire for visiting at a time when Beijing has been conducting intensive military drills to pressure Taiwan.

Before boarding, he told reporters that the delegation would be visiting Taiwanese communities and students in China, and possibly meet with Chinese officials.