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Students prepare to sue Norway over mislabeling

A page set up by Taiwanese students in Norway on a crowdfunding Web site is pictured yesterday.
Photo: Lu Yi-hsuan, Taipei Times

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday said that the government is keeping close contact with Taiwanese students in Norway who are raising funds to sue the Norwegian government after it labeled them as being from China.


China Youth Corps is ‘KMT affiliate’

China Youth Corps director Ger Yeong-kuang, center, speaks at a new conference in Taipei yesterday after the Cabinet’s Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee designated the corps as an affiliate of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT).
Photo: Chu Pei-hsiung, Taipei Times

The Cabinet’s Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee yesterday designated the China Youth Corps as an affiliate of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), demanding that the corps declare its assets within four months.


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The New York Times ran a major feature about Prince of Tears (淚王子), a movie set in 1950s Taiwan that exposes the brutality of the White Terror, which may surprise readers in the US who know little about Taiwan’s bloody past.

The Hong Kong-datelined report, published on Tuesday, opens: “The story usually goes like this: China was taken over by Chairman Mao [Zedong (毛澤東)] and became a brutal Communist state. Taiwan broke free and became a vibrant democracy. The ugliness of the last half-century — persecution, martial law, mass execution — happened on the mainland.”