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US promises to assist Taiwan ‘in any way’ possible

Buddhist nuns yesterday pray for the victims of Wednesday’s TransAsia Airways plane crash at Taipei’s Second Funeral Parlor.
Photo: David Chang, EPA

The US will help in any way it can with the investigation into the crash of TransAsia Flight GE235, a Washington official said on Wednesday.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs Daniel Russel told a media briefing that he did not know if Taipei had actually made a request for assistance.

Last Updated ( Friday, 06 February 2015 08:04 ) Read more...

China to participate in investigation of disaster

A crane lifts a section of the fuselage from TransAsia Airways Flight GE235 from the Keelung River in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

The Executive Yuan yesterday said China would take part in the investigation of the crash of TransAsia Airways (復興航空) Flight GE235, adding that the move is “in accordance with international conventions.”

Executive Yuan spokesperson Sun Lih-chyun (孫立群) confirmed that China is to participate in the investigation and the government would ask the Mainland Affairs Council to pay extra attention to the issue of jurisdiction to prevent it being overstepped.

Last Updated ( Friday, 06 February 2015 08:04 ) Read more...

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The Nanfangao Bridge in Yilan County’s Suao Township is pictured after the bridge collapsed yesterday morning.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

Yesterday’s collapse of the Nanfangao Bridge (南方澳橋) in Yilan County might have been due to rusted anchoring points, Taipei Technology College of Engineering dean Sung Yu-chi (宋裕祺) said.