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Ex-premier Jiang loses Supreme Court appeal

Protesters outside the Executive Yuan in Taipei on March 28 last year hold signs accusing President Ma Ying-jeou, then-premier Jiang Yi-huah and senior police officer Fang I-ning of attempted murder.
Photo: George Tsorng, Taipei Times

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal filed by former premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺), upholding a decision made by the Taiwan High Court in February asking the Taipei District Court to reconsider an attempted murder charge against Jiang over the government’s forced eviction of Sunflower movement activists from the Executive Yuan compound in Taipei last year.


Groups pan KMT ‘brainwashing’

Members of non-governmental organizations gather outside the Ministry of Education in Taipei yesterday to protest against the changes to the high school curriculum.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

In the latest of a series of protests against the high-school curriculum for Chinese language and social science, dozens of civic group representatives yesterday called for Taiwanese to demand the President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) administration reverse the policy aimed at “brainwashing” the younger generation.


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Former vice president Annette Lu, right, and Democratic Progressive Party caucus whip Ker Chien-ming, second right, attend a press conference for the first Asia-Pacific Religious Freedom Forum in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: George Tsorng, Taipei Times

Former vice president Annette Lu (呂秀蓮) yesterday lauded Taiwan’s religious diversity and tolerance as the nation prepared to host an international cross-religious forum on religious freedom in the Asia-Pacific region later this week.