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Top prosecutor steps down after impeachment

State Public Prosecutor-General Chen Tsung-ming (陳聰明) tendered his resignation yesterday after being impeached by the Control Yuan.

The government watchdog impeached the top prosecutor by a vote of 8-3, citing concerns over his “integrity” and “sincerity” in leading the Special Investigation Panel’s investigation into alleged corruption involving former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁).


Journalists in China face e-mail hijacking

(CNN) -- Foreign correspondents in at least two Beijing, China, bureaus of news organizations have had their Google e-mail accounts attacked, with e-mails forwarded to a mysterious address, according to the Foreign Correspondents' Club of China.

In an advisory posted on its Web site, the organization advised members how to check if their Gmail had been compromised and urged caution when clicking on links and e-mail attachments. The advisory did not name the news organizations affected.


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Students Hsu Kuan-tse, left, and Chou Tzu-hsiang, accompanied by supporters, walk through downtown Taipei yesterday on the final leg of a nationwide walking tour to protest changes to high-school curriculum guidelines.
Photo: Weng Yu-huang, Taipei Times

Two student-rights advocates returned to the main site of protests over high-school curriculum guideline changes yesterday, completing a national walking tour to highlight the issue.

Hsu Kuan-tse (許冠澤) and Chou Tzu-hsiang (周子翔) led a parade of students and rights advocates in front of the Ministry of Education building for the final leg of the tour, shouting: “Reject black box procedures”; “Oppose brain-washing education”; and “Students are not idiots” as they marched in pouring rain to the ministry gates.