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US considers WTO action over Taiwan beef dispute

The US will consider appealing to the WTO to resolve the row with Taiwan over US beef imports, Deputy US Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis said on Thursday in Washington.

Speaking at the Center for Strategic International Studies, Marantis said the Taiwanese legislature’s about-face on imports of US beef had “effaced sound science and effaced the protocol Taiwan and the US had negotiated,” and that he was very disappointed with the outcome.


Control Yuan to meet Ma over MRT

The Control Yuan yesterday said it arranged a meeting with President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to talk abour Taipei City’s problem-ridden Wenshan-Neihu MRT line after both sides agreed that the meeting would take the form of a “gathering for tea” rather than a subpoena.

“To be honest, if we had disagreed, we wouldn’t have been able to meet with the president and consult with him about the decision-making process for the Wen-Hu Line,” said Control Yuan member Ger Yeong-kuang (葛永光), who is in charge of the watchdog’s probe into the MRT line.


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National Taiwan University Department of Geosciences professor Chen Wen-shan, left, accompanied by Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Lin Shu-fen, speaks at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

The nation’s Fourth Nuclear Power Plant should not be activated, because a geological survey has confirmed that it sits close to active fault lines, activists said yesterday.