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China economic policy under fire at Davos

Political leaders, central bankers and financiers at the World Economic Forum have attacked China’s monetary and trade policy and questioned its ability to tackle an overheating economy.

Top Chinese officials face an increasingly difficult task saying that Beijing is acting in the interest of the world economy by keeping its yuan currency weak against the dollar and maintaining a huge trade surplus — US$196.1 billion last year.


Formosa Betrayed Movie Opening

Dear Friends:
Formosa Betrayed will be opening in one month (February 26, 2010). We need your help in spreading the word about this important film. Tell your friends to add us at
http://profile.to/formosabetrayed/ or http://groups.to/formosabetrayedthemovie/.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 January 2010 14:52 ) Read more...

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Negotiations on a trade in goods agreement with China should be halted, protesters said yesterday, warning that food safety, and the interests of farmers and small businesses would be jeopardized if talks continue as they are.

Representatives from the Economic Democracy Union, Taiwan March and other groups gathered outside the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) to protest what they called a lack of transparency in the talks, following a meeting between MAC Minister Andrew Hsia (夏立言) and China’s Taiwan Affairs Office Minister Zhang Zhijun (張志軍) on Wednesday.