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Ma’s cross-strait approach worries US: expert

Despite the government’s posturing about its success in cross-strait and foreign policies, Washington is concerned about President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) linear approach, a national security expert said yesterday.

Liu Shih-chung (劉世忠), a researcher at the Taiwan Brain Trust think tank and a former aide to former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), said Chen’s “zigzag” strategy made him unpredictable in ­setting policy during his two terms in office.


US moving forward with radar sales

The US State Department has notified Congress that it is going ahead with three arms sales programs to Taiwan — after holding them up for more than six months.

While the programs are not huge — they involve radar upgrades for Indigenous Defense Fighters (IDF) — the move could be significant in that it shows US President Barack Obama standing up to China and supporting Taiwan despite Beijing’s protests.


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A US congressional delegation led by US Senator John Cornyn, 11th left, American Institute in Taiwan Director Sandra Oudkirk, 10th left, and other officials pose for a photograph during a visit to the Presidential Office on Sunday to meet with President Tsai Ing-wen, center.
Photo: CNA

A US congressional delegation’s visit to Taiwan last week was aimed at learning how Washington can help support Taipei’s defense capabilities and to discuss ways to boost bilateral trade ties, US Senator John Cornyn said on Sunday.

Cornyn, who led the all-Republican delegation, said in a news release that the group had returned to the US on Sunday after concluding an Indo-Pacific trip in the past few days that took it to Taiwan, the Philippines and India “to strengthen ties with critical allies and partners to counter Chinese aggression.”