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ANALYSIS : Yang’s resignation leaves the DPP shaken

The defection of Kaohsiung County Commissioner Yang Chiu-hsing (楊秋興) from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has shaken the opposition party, angered party leaders and accelerated calls for the DPP to do some soul-searching.

It has also caused many to wonder what exactly caused Yang, considered a rising political star, to break from the party he joined more than three decades ago.


Morakot victims to file UN complaint against government

Aborigines left homeless by Typhoon Morakot said they have decided to file a complaint with the UN against President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) for not respecting their rights.

Aborigines are “disappointed” with the government’s response to their call for the right to decide how they should rebuild their homes, said Oto Micyang, who is in charge of liaison affairs for the Indigenous Peoples Action Coalition, which organized an overnight protest in front of the Presidential Office on Saturday.


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"China Times" intern Han Fu-yu is pictured in an undated photograph posted online by a Taiwanese Internet user on Tuesday, showing that Han is a member of the Chinese Communist Party’s Communist Youth League, despite a denial issued by the Chinese-language newspaper earlier that day.
Photo: Screen grab from the Internet

Netizens yesterday challenged the Chinese-language China Times’ claim that its intern, Han Fu-yu (韓福宇), is not a member of the Communist Youth League of China (CYL).