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Home The News News Republican win good for Taiwan: FAPA

Republican win good for Taiwan: FAPA

Major Republican victories in the US midterm elections could leave Taiwan in a strong political position on Capitol Hill, a Taiwan lobby organization said.

With Republicans capturing 60 seats to take control of the House of Representatives and the Democrats managing to hang on to the Senate by a narrow majority, power is now divided in Washington. As a result, Taiwan’s supporters in Congress are expected to have increased freedom to speak out on controversial issues, such as arms sales, free trade and a place for Taiwan within international organizations.

“The next two years could see some serious Taiwan action in Congress,” said Coen Blaauw, executive director of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA).

FAPA, a bipartisan organization of Taiwanese-Americans, promotes pro-Taiwan legislation in Congress.

“We are in good shape. It is always beneficial to have a strong opposition,” Blaauw said.

With the Republicans in charge of the House, Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen — a long-time backer of Taiwanese democracy — will take over as chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Ros-Lehtinen, first elected to Congress in 1989, is a Cuban-American who has worked fiercely against communist rule in Havana. She favors a free-trade agreement (FTA) with Taiwan and US sales of advanced F-16C/D fighter aircraft.

Observers said Taiwan would particularly benefit from the victory of Marco Rubio, the new Republican senator from Florida.

“Cuban Americans in Congress possess a naturally ingrained sense of justice and freedom and tend to be solid Taiwan supporters,” Blaauw said.

Referring to Rubio — a Cuban-American and former member of Ros-Lehtinen’s staff — Blaauw said: “We have high expectations.”

Another victory that should strengthen Taiwan came with the election of Republican Rob Portman of Ohio to the Senate.

A former US trade representative, Portman is expected to boost action on free trade in general and on a US-Taiwan FTA in particular.

Results in some races were so close that recounts may be needed and a detailed tally of just how many Republicans and Democrats were elected may not be known until the end of the week.

Democratic Congressman Gerry Connolly of Virginia, vice-chair of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus, remains in one of those races still too close to call.

However, Steve Chabot, an Ohio Republican, regained the congressional seat he had held for 14 years until his defeat by a Democrat in 2008. Chabot has a record as an avid Taiwan supporter and may take over as vice chairman of the Taiwan caucus, a position vacated by retiring Florida Republican Lincoln Diaz-Balart.

Democrat David Wu of Oregon, the only Taiwanese-born member of Congress, handily held onto his seat, defeating a Republican challenger 54 percent to 42 percent.

Mainly as a result of retiring Republicans and defeated Democrats, the 151-strong Congressional Taiwan Caucus has lost about 25 members. Taiwan-watchers are confident this number will be easily made up by recruiting new members from the ranks of the newly elected politicians.


Source: Taipei Times - 2010/11/05

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More than half of US respondents in a poll considered protecting Taiwan more important than maintaining good relations with China, a survey conducted by The Economist and YouGov showed.

The poll conducted from Feb. 25 to Tuesday last week asked 1,500 adult US citizens questions about the US’ role amid rising tensions between Taiwan and China.

Fifty-one percent of the respondents said it is more important for the US “to take a strong stand so that China does not take over Taiwan by force,” while 24 percent preferred “the US to maintain good relations with China.”