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Interview controversy takes new twist

A controversy surrounding an Associated Press (AP) interview with President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) took a new turn yesterday after Government Information Office (GIO) Minister Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) sent a letter to John Daniszewski, the international editor at AP, requesting that the news agency “investigate the causes of distortions in the interview piece” and make corrections as soon as possible.

At the heart of the controversy is a section of the interview published by AP on Tuesday where Ma’s remarks are portrayed as suggesting that sensitive political talks with Beijing, including security issues, could start as early as his second four-year term, provided he is re-elected in 2012.


Ma moving ahead with China

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) yesterday said he is open to a political dialogue with China once remaining economic issues are resolved, though he gave no timetable for when those discussions might start.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Ma credited his outreach to China, which has so far centered on trade and commercial ties, with easing tensions in one of East Asia’s longest-running feuds.


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Supporters of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Kaohsiung mayoral candidate Han Kuo-yu cheer and wave flags as they watch a ballot count display at the KMT’s Kaohsiung office on Nov. 24. Han won the election.
Photo: CNA

Six US senators have asked US government agencies to help Taiwan investigate China’s alleged meddling in its elections and take action to prevent Beijing from interfering in elections in democracies worldwide.