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Cross-strait security ‘worrisome’: expert

A leading US academic on Taiwan said Beijing understands that it has an interest in keeping President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) in power and for that reason is “not currently pushing its larger agenda.”

Richard Bush, director of the Brookings Institution’s Center for Northeast Asian Policy, told a Washington conference that how China deals with the Taiwan issue would be a “litmus test” on what kind of great power it would eventually be.


Former president Chen Shui-bian seeks release

Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) yesterday asked to be released from jail while appealing a 20-year graft sentence, saying that he had sent back most of the money that had been wired abroad.

After the Special Investigation Panel confirmed it had received almost all of the NT$662 million (US$22 million) Chen’s family had wired into Swiss bank accounts, Chen’s attorney said he was filing an application to secure the former president’s release.


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A screenshot yesterday shows an internal Taiwan Power Co Web site urging employees to support a referendum tomorrow on canceling the government’s policy to phase out nuclear power.
Photo: Copy by Hsieh Chun-lin, Taipei Times

An internal Web site of state-run Taiwan Power Co (Taipower, 台電) has posted a notice urging employees to support a referendum to cancel a government policy to phase out nuclear power, apparently breaching laws on government neutrality, New Power Party Executive Chairman Huang Kuo-chang (黃國昌) said yesterday.