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Ministry admits Abe took taxi while on Taiwan trip

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) yesterday admitted for the first time that former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe took a taxi during a late night dinner with several opposition party politicians during a recent two-day visit to Taiwan.

The admission came after ministry officials had been insistent, amid growing questions raised over the diplomatic lapse, that government-supplied courtesy cars were provided at all times during Abe’s visit.


Notice from ministry sparks outrage

A notice issued by the Ministry of Education asking the country’s largest college bulletin board system (BBS) — Professional Technology Temple (PTT) — to tone down its political rhetoric has attracted outrage after being posted online.

The one-page notice was sent last month to National Taiwan University, which oversees the PTT site frequented by hundreds of thousands of users daily.


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Former president Lee Teng-hui, center, former vice president Annette Lu, left, and guests attend a news conference in Taipei on Feb. 28 announcing the formation of the Island of Joy and Happiness Coalition.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

Overseas supporters of the Formosa Alliance’s (喜樂島聯盟) proposal for an independence referendum and the nation’s participation in the UN under the name “Taiwan” yesterday ran a full-page newspaper advertisement in Taiwan announcing their support.