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Home Taesiong Scripture

228 Taiwanese Spirits Taesiong Scripture

Chapter 3: Nation Building


Taiwanese people had suffered for the past several hundred years.  As a result, they are accustomed to self-devaluation.  Servitude became pervasive culturally.  Moral courage long lost.  Consequently, teachings of democracy and human rights are constrained.  On the so-called principle of proceed with the right way and retract from the wrong way, in between their proceedings and retractions, they act apathetically, unruly, and unlawfully.  We, the Martyred Spirits, having lived as fighters and ended as heroes, are troubled in Our hearts and worried for Our Country.  Encountering such imminent cataclysm and Heavenly alteration epoch, We lead soldiers from heaven down to earth, to repeatedly inform and warn our children and children’s children, that time is urgent and pressing.  Our country is our home.  Without our country is without our home.  Recognize and concur with Taiwan.  Conform to Honglaai.  Right and wrong be clearly differentiated.  Do not incline to vices.  Gather Taiwan’s nation-building strengths.  Commiserate democracy and human rights’ mercy.  Donate great love of national loyalty.  Then Heaven and Earth’s Righteous Qix shall be with you all.  Sympathize the weak.  Fearlessly defend Taiwan, and must display unshakable moral courage.  Taiwan’s five ethnicities shall live together harmoniously.  Never harm each other.  Only democracy and human rights shall be followed and revered.  A leaderless, stateless people will gradually extinct.  Colorfulness will swiftly turn into grayness.  Hell on earth will surely materialize.  Bloodiness cometh within an instant.  Where escapeth to?  Where disappeareth to? 


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Taipei prosecutors have started an investigation into allegations that four top politicians involved in attempts to form a “blue-white” presidential ticket have contravened election regulations.

Listed as defendants are Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) presidential candidate and New Taipei City Mayor Hou You-yi (侯友宜), KMT Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫), former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) of the KMT and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman and presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲).

The case stemmed from judicial complaints filed last month with the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office alleging that the KMT (blue) and the TPP (white) had engaged in bribery by offering money or other enticements to coax the other side to drop out of the race or accept a subordinate position.