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Home Taesiong Scripture

228 Taiwanese Spirits Taesiong Scripture


Chanting and practicing build achievements.  Spreading the Dharma accumulates virtues.  Guiding and salvaging the lost ones to early awareness and early realization.  For the nation-building of Taiwan, its time has come.  Our children and children’s children shall follow and take up democratic nation-building, human rights and liberty; and to live perpetually with Heaven’s Mandate.  The spirit of the February 28th Movement shall always be with Taiwan; shall always be with you.



(Chanting the Open Hearts Mantra Three Times to Complete the Scripture)


Um  Um  Hong  Hong  Tsum

Duo   La   Ba   Ni   Hum


Page 13 of 13


Underground Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members are in all corners of Taiwan, a former member revealed in a new book.

At the launch of The Memoirs of a Hong Kong’s Underground CPC (覺醒的道路:前中共香港地下黨員梁慕嫻回憶錄) in Vancouver on Sunday, Canada-based writer Florence Mo Han Aw (梁慕嫻) shared her journey from being a loyal party member to recognizing the truth about the CCP.

Aw, 85, was born in Hong Kong and joined the Communist Youth League of China as a high-school student after being recruited by her teacher in 1955.