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Home Taesiong Scripture

228 Taiwanese Spirits Taesiong Scripture

Chapter 1: Retribution


Comeuppance and fortune are truly classless.  Everyone self-invites it.  Retribution from good and evil is like one’s shadow; closely follows oneself.  The martyrdom of the February 28th Movement, conforms to present day Taiwan’s unending karmic comeuppance.  In between Heaven and Earth, there are divine entities that officially watch over our sins.  According to the sins and wrongs that we have committed, They quantify the situation and take the accounting, penalizing with poverty and exhaustion, or encounters of upsets and obstacles.  The coming of punishment and comeuppance, even for the major dignitaries and seriously rich, is unavoidable by none.  Eventually, the accounting of one’s sins will dry up one’s good fortunes, ceaselessly until death and beyond.  We, the Taiwanese Spirits, serving Heaven’s clear Order, and taking Heaven’s Mandate for Divine Intervention, shall have Our Actions realized.


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DHARAMSHALA, July 10: The Tibetan man who set himself on fire on July 7 has now been identified as Tsewang Dorjee, a 22-year-old nomad from Damshung, central Tibet.

The Dharamshala based Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile in a release today said Tsewang Dorjee set himself on fire in the centre of Damshung, at a place of where people gather in large numbers.