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Home Taesiong Scripture

228 Taiwanese Spirits Taesiong Scripture

Chapter 2: Celestial Stewardship


Officially positioned to celestial stewardship, the Taiwan divine entities, having obtained the fruit of supreme Bodhisattva status, divinely intervene among the humanity.  Right above peoples’ skulls, They record each and every sinful treason against Taiwan, accordingly curtail a person's life by twelve years or by a hundred days.  Additionally are the Tri-Corporeal Divinities, Who reside intrinsically among every physique.  Whenever cometh the first and the fifteenth of every moon, They specialize in reporting up to the Origin Destiny Divinities officially ordered and positioned to acting and averting cataclysm, and speak up on peoples’ sins and wrongs de maximus of anti-Taiwan and betraying Taiwan.  Doubly in check by Martial Divinities officially positioned day and night, to mark out and report from moment to moment.  Whatever the evil doings and evil deeds, all shall emerge visibly.


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A closer look at more than 500 purchase plans from the Xinsheng Overpass construction project found that besides the flowers and plants, the contractor also overcharged at least seven other purchase plans, the Taipei City Government said yesterday, promising to check the project’s budget thoroughly.

The city government revealed the latest findings on the project after Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) yesterday presided over the first meeting of a task force formed on Friday to investigate if any corruption was involved in the purchase plans for the overpass and the Taipei International Flora Exposition.