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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
61 Smaller parties are down, but not out Linus Chiou 邱士哲 66
62 Concern about vote distribution Hong Tsun-ming 康駿銘 65
63 Better alert procedures needed Taipei Times Editorial 61
64 Ad brings welcome perspective Knight Chang 張天泰 65
65 The times they are a-changing Taipei Times Editorial 59
66 Failed Han should not be speaker Lin Bo-feng 林伯峰 59
67 Hou, Ko light on energy specifics Taipei Times Editorial 60
68 What killed US-China engagement? Joseph S. Nye Jr 70
69 Hsiao is keen to keep progressing Tshua Siu-ui 蔡守崴 56
70 Reject ‘consensus,’ vote for peace Taipei Times Editorial 59
71 Taiwan’s Constitution and America’s ‘One China’ Policy John J. Tkacik, Jr. 79
72 Hou parrots the CCP, deep-blue line Jethro Wang 王濬 79
73 Abe’s Taiwan statement is a myth Masahiro Matsumura 68
74 Miners’ families need a resolution Taipei Times Editorial 66
75 Overview of the presidential debate Taipei Times Editorial 66
76 China trade report just another bully’s tool Yen Huai-shing 顏慧欣 74
77 Being pro-China will save no one Roger Wu 吳哲文 71
78 Ancient texts unrelated to morality Taipei Times Editorial 71
79 Education with no indoctrination Chen Chi-nung 陳啟濃 62
80 Curriculum changes appropriate Linus Chiou 邱士哲 67
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At the most recent UN General Assembly, Saint Lucian Prime Minister Kenny Anthony, one of the nation’s diplomatic allies, said he was aware of the determination of Taiwanese and Chinese to unite their countries, and that his country looks forward to that, a document obtained by Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴) from the UN Web site said.

Hsiao disclosed Anthony’s statement, made at the 67th session of UN General Assembly on Sept. 28, yesterday at the legislature’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee.