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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
381 Defending Taiwan — a Biden gaffe? Joseph Bosco 182
382 Time for Taiwan’s global inclusion Ben Goren 183
383 Unification extremism cannot go unchecked Mike Chang 張昭仁 409
384 Give Taiwan what it thinks it needs – just in case Walter Lohman 202
385 China proves Fukuyama wrong Parris Chang 張旭成 159
386 Taiwan-Japan military ties possible Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 281
387 Preventing another shooting Taipei Times Editorial 180
388 China’s ideological and institutional inferiority Miles Yu 456
389 Sitting back as Ukraine burns is immoral Chang Kuo-tsai 張國財 365
390 China targeting younger Tibetans Dolma Tsering 367
391 Democracy’s evolution in Taiwan The Liberty Times Editorial 241
392 Let health minister finish the job Tommy Lin 林逸民 451
393 Beware of the ‘fifth column’ Taipei Times Editorial 221
394 Celebrating the Polish constitution Cyryl Kozaczewski 426
395 Memorial hall perfect home for legislature Lee Hsiao-feng 李筱峰 169
396 Slovenia, Taiwan share similar pasts Taipei Times Editorial 516
397 More Ukraine Lessons For China And Taiwan Richard D. Fisher, Jr. 202
398 CCP manipulation of ancient texts Kung Hsien-tai 孔憲臺 286
399 Navy needs updated minesweepers Chang Feng-lin 張豐麟 309
400 Taiwan, Poland ties face challenges Marcin Jerzewski 葉皓勤 184
Page 20 of 139


A pie chart showing the results of a poll conducted by the National Chung Cheng University Crime Research Center shows that more than 80 percent of Taiwanese are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with judicial reform.
Photo: Liu Ching-hou, Taipei Times

Nearly 80 percent of respondents to a poll expressed doubt about the impartiality of judges, while a larger number said they were dissatisfied with judicial reform efforts, a poll released on Friday by National Chung Cheng University’s Crime Research Center showed.