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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
2041 KMT plans revisionist constitution rewrite idea Chu Ping-tzu 祝平次 460
2042 Independence vital to Diaoyutais Chen Yi-shen 陳儀深 453
2043 Ma’s commitment to human rights Taipei Times Editorial 427
2044 Martial law era stings still smart Taipei Times Editorial 420
2045 China plays by its own rules Taipei Times Editorial 414
2046 Provoking conflict as distraction Taipei Times Editorial 439
2047 Absolute power’s tendency to corrupt Chiu Hei-yuan 瞿海源 437
2048 Fear not the great ‘brainwashing’ Taipei Times Editorial 480
2049 No democracy without US support Wu Li-pei 吳澧培 484
2050 Ma is up to his neck in beef stew Chin Heng-wei 金恒煒 495
2051 AEC’s arrogance endangers us all Jay Fang 方儉 523
2052 Ma’s past returns to haunt him Taipei Times Editorial 442
2053 Taiwan, China need a ‘special friendship’ Nat Bellocchi 白樂崎 457
2054 Ma’s blatant lies about fuel prices Lin Cho-shui 林濁水 597
2055 ECFA, US beef: More empty words? Tung Chen-yuan 童振源 442
2056 Ma Ying-jeou’s ego gone wild Taipei Times Editorial 438
2057 Textbook tactics to re-write history Liberty Times Editorial 426
2058 Repression vs resistance in Tibet Andre Glucksmann,Karel Schwarzenberg, Desmond Tutu,Richard v 444
2059 PRC’s religious freedom not for all Taipei Times Editorial 387
2060 People must wake up to the truth of Ma’s policy Michael Danielsen 406
Page 103 of 139


Leading Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo (劉曉波) has been formally indicted for subversion, his family and a rights group said yesterday, one year after he was detained in the wake of signing a pro-­democracy charter.

“His lawyer told me Friday that Liu Xiaobo has been formally charged with inciting subversion of state power,” his wife Liu Xia (劉霞) said.