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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
2041 Democracy and ‘the China factor’ Jackson Yeh 葉國豪 540
2042 Ma puts Chinese students first Taipei Times Editorial 521
2043 Taiwan must transform or crumble Liberty Times Editorial 530
2044 Old tactics on Chinese media failing Taipei Times Editorial 459
2045 Freedom calls for persistence Taipei Times Editorial 543
2046 Do not sell Taiwan’s dignity off with its land Ko Yu-fen 柯裕棻 522
2047 Ma keeps evading key issues Taipei Times Editorial 513
2048 The countdown to the end of Ma Liberty Times Editorial 530
2049 The emergence of student power Ivan Ho 何明修 518
2050 ‘Wild Strawberries’ are the future Yang Tsui 楊翠 602
2051 Ma not fit to lecture on human rights Taipei Times Editorial 488
2052 After Palestine, could it be Taiwan? Taipei Times Editorial 487
2053 The state of affairs in Taiwan is very simple Mei-chin Chen 陳美津 460
2054 Welcome to Ma’s broken ‘Republic of Beggardom’ Allen Houng 洪裕宏 524
2055 Nationhood is key to the status of all in Taiwan Yang Liu Hsiu-hwa 楊劉秀華 500
2056 Government is busy doing nothing Taipei Times Editorial 534
2057 Cherish this anti-nuclear opportunity Taipei Times Editorial 611
2058 Time to wake up to espionage threat Taipei Times Editorial 607
2059 Be wary of Ma’s intentions Taipei Times Editorial 471
2060 Respecting freedom of opinion Taipei Times Editorial 641
Page 103 of 141


President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has led Taiwan back to an era of “Soft White Terror” by bringing the media in Taiwan to its knees, political pundit Nan Fang Shuo (南方朔) said yesterday, adding: “I am a victim.”

Nan Fang Shuo told the Taipei Times by telephone yesterday that the Chinese-language China Times has lied about why it declined to run his column on Sept. 17 when the newspaper explained to Hong Kong’s Ming Pao over its rejection of the article.