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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
2161 The US has to bring Taiwan in from cold Nat Bellocchi 白樂崎 518
2162 Ma’s diplomacy threatens Taiwan Liberty Times Editorial 497
2163 Taiwan’s self-defeating behavior Taipei Times Editorial 498
2164 Ma’s diplomacy wins no respect Liberty Times Editorial 575
2165 Dealing with environmental messes Pan Han-shen 潘翰聲 637
2166 Focus on freedoms, not the spending Molly Jeng 鄭明麗 493
2167 The failings of the foreign ministry Taipei Times Editorial 518
2168 Biden visit gives Ma a double slap in the face James Wang 王景弘 666
2169 Attributing blame for the F-16 fiasco Taipei Times Editorial 515
2170 Geography is not fate; Taiwan still has options Nat Bellocchi 白樂崎 505
2171 China’s cultural harmony cracking Brahma Chellaney 503
2172 Act before your apathy does Taipei Times Editorial 494
2173 Ma’s day in ‘Provence’ could cost Taipei Times Editorial 464
2174 Tibet enters new era as PM Sangay sworn in John Isom and Fiona McConnell 579
2175 Facing non-democratic choices J. Michael Cole 寇謐將 749
2176 US rating’s effect on Taiwan Taipei Times Editorial 499
2177 Nuclear waste cannot be ignored Taipei Times Editorial 614
2178 To be or not to be Taiwanese or Chinese James Wang 王景弘 494
2179 Beware of the Chinese flu Taipei Times Editorial 559
2180 Ma must face historical KMT burden Taipei Times Editorial 527
Page 109 of 139


Former president Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) suggested yesterday that a campaign against President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) in 2012 should have one aim: replacing a Beijing-centric government with one that is more focused on Taiwan.

His remarks come after the Chinese-language United Daily News quoted sources close to the former president as saying that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) should look for political figures outside the party for its nominees prior to 2012.