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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
1941 Ma’s pacts pave way to ‘one China’ Liberty Times Editorial 435
1942 Cross-strait pact is ‘policy ambush’ Taipei Times Editorial 505
1943 The right to the Taiwanese Dream Taipei Times Editorial 483
1944 ‘Sorry’ cannot fix institutional flaws Taipei Times Editorial 446
1945 Media is wrong to be silent on democracy Hsu Yu-fang 許又方 434
1946 Double standards of the judiciary Taipei Times Editorial 422
1947 Scheming behind closed doors Taipei Times Editorial 464
1948 Facing the Chen Shui-bian issue Taipei Times Editorial 424
1949 Influence of China holds back media freedom Lu I-ming 呂一銘 455
1950 ‘One China’ against the Philippines Lee Hsiao-feng 李筱峰 421
1951 Careless wording harms diplomacy Taipei Times Editorial 449
1952 Xi’s memo is a wake-up call Taipei Times Editorial 499
1953 Be wary of Beijing in Manila row Paul Lin 林保華 501
1954 Protecting Taiwanese is Ma’s duty Taipei Times Editorial 499
1955 Action needed on Philippines Taipei Times Editorial 468
1956 Judiciary inventive on corruption Lin Yu-hsiung 林鈺雄 559
1957 The lessons Yoichi Hatta taught us Taipei Times Editorial 1255
1958 Signing the death warrant for Taiwan Chiu Hei-yuan 瞿海源 449
1959 Documents shed light on Nixon’s ‘betrayal’ James Wang 王景弘 439
1960 More jaw-dropping comments Taipei Times Editorial 399
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A majority of respondents in a poll released by Taiwan Thinktank yesterday agreed that the government should slow the pace of signing an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China and postpone next week’s fourth round of high-level cross-strait talks before a higher degree of public consensus is reached.

The survey showed that 62.5 percent of respondents agreed that “the December [5] election results showed that many people in Taiwan still have doubts about an EFCA plan and thus the [President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九)] administration should put off signing the deal with China and rather seek consensus within the country.”