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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
1841 Lessons learnt as siege ends Taipei Times Editorial 487
1842 Sunflowers bloom; dictators dig in Liberty Times Editorial 436
1843 Pact laced with China’s ambitions Eric Chiou 邱奕宏 524
1844 Signing of trade pact not imperative Taipei Times Editorial 481
1845 Roots of repression lie in Ma’s family line James Wang 王景弘 479
1846 Pro-China forces in Taiwan a real threat Chang Bing-yang 張炳陽 511
1847 Premier takes Goebbels’ advice Taipei Times Editorial 465
1848 Ma abuses Taiwan’s special status Chris Huang 黃居正 536
1849 The older generation could learn from young Huang Tien-lin 黃天麟 508
1850 University professors call on Ma to resign Taiwan Association of University Professors 482
1851 Ma’s arrogance aggravating crisis Taipei Times Editorial 520
1852 KMT tactics conjure up memories of White Terror Gerrit van der Wees 414
1853 Rising chorus of dissent John Hsieh 479
1854 Importance of social movements in Taiwan Dafydd Fell 464
1855 Nuclear waste will waste Taiwan Gloria Hsu 徐光蓉 630
1856 Service pact needs redo, not review Taipei Times Editorial 499
1857 Notion of the motherland is dead Lee Min-yung 李敏勇 499
1858 Be cautious, but not afraid John Hsieh 473
1859 Protect the rights of Tibetans in Taiwan Huang Song-lih and Shih Yi-hsiang 黃嵩立,施逸翔 501
1860 Say goodbye to Taiwan, say goodbye to peace Nat Bellocchi 白樂崎 967
Page 93 of 139


Undated photo of Tulku Thupten Nyendak and Atse

DHARAMSHALA, March 28: Considering different ways of setting themselves on fire in Tibet, the exile Tibetan administration includes Tulku Thupten Nyendak and his niece Atse in the list of self-immolators.

Forty-five-year-old Thupten Nyendak of Dragkar Monastery in Lhagang in Kham, Eastern Tibet, and Atse, 23, from Serta Tibetan Buddhist Institute set themselves on fire at the former’s residence in Dzogchen Monastery on 6 April 2012. This reportedly happened after they offered butter lamps and prayers for all the Tibetan.