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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
1501 Viewing 228 Massacre in new way to spur change Yang Chen-lung 楊振隆 455
1502 The place of Su Beng in the fight for freedom Lee Min-yung 李敏勇 561
1503 New national anthem needed Taipei Times Editorial 468
1504 US needs to recalibrate its policies on Taiwan Gerrit van der Wees 472
1505 Visa rejection is a step backwards Taipei Times Editorial 519
1506 Ma Ying-jeou’s accidental legacy Bret Hinsch 574
1507 Hong Kong’s ‘fishball revolution’ Joseph Tse-Hei Lee 李榭熙 565
1508 The unspoken ‘1998 consensus’ Wayne Pajunen 588
1509 Time for the elected to earn respect Taipei Times Editorial 478
1510 The DPP gives lesson in democracy Taipei Times Editorial 433
1511 Tsai needs to exploit diplomatic window Keng Kim-yung 何景榮 462
1512 From ROC ashes, Taiwan can rise Michael Hsiao 蕭新煌 498
1513 New status for today’s Taiwan is self-identity James Wang 王景弘 450
1514 No normality without left and right Lee Min-yung 李敏勇 454
1515 Beijing’s backfiring Huang debacle Taipei Times Editorial 486
1516 Synchronized elections fuel gap issue Taipei Times Editorial 464
1517 Flush away the “1992 consensus” Taipei Times Editorial 454
1518 Tsai faces tough task to achieve true reform Peng Ming-min 彭明敏 456
1519 A historic day for politics in Taiwan Taipei Times Editorial 501
1520 Voters reject KMT fear-mongering Taipei Times Editorial 633
Page 76 of 139


The way the government has danced to the tune of China in its recent designation of an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea is tantamount to a “tacit acknowledgement” that China has sovereignty over Taiwan’s territorial airspace, an academic said yesterday.

China declared the ADIZ with the intent to claim that the airspace over Taiwan falls within its jurisdiction, and the Taiwanese government’s docile response can be interpreted as an agreement to hand over sovereignty to China under international law, said Chris Huang (黃居正), an associate professor at the Institute of Law for Science and Technology at National Tsing Hua University.