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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
1421 Beijing’s strong dislike of Hillary Parris Chang 張旭成 680
1422 China aims to divide and conquer Paul Lin 林保華 576
1423 The problem with Tsai’s top judicial candidates James Wang 王景弘 606
1424 KMT was corrupted by power, absolutely Lee Min-yung 李敏勇 519
1425 Tsai honest in apology to nation’s Aborgines Zhang Ming-yo 張銘祐 594
1426 The DPP must stick to the path voters laid Chan Chang-chuan 詹長權 559
1427 Taiwanese-Americans want to be counted Peter Chen 陳正義 636
1428 Time for Taiwan-US normalization Parris Chang 張旭成 631
1429 Apology must be backed by actions Taipei Times Editorial 448
1430 KMT digs its grave on assets issue Liberty Times Editorial 658
1431 KMT still playing public for a fool Taipei Times Editorial 548
1432 DPP’s risky curricula review process Taipei Times Editorial 478
1433 Tsai’s frustrating ‘Post’ interview Taipei Times Editorial 709
1434 KMT should follow Ma Ying-jeou to Itu Aba James Wang 王景弘 469
1435 CCP’s Tom Sawyer ploy nears end Wayne Pajunen 591
1436 Artistic compromise and China Taipei Times Editorial 457
1437 Taiwan eclipses bloated monoliths William Stimson 505
1438 Beijing’s sugar-coated lies Taipei Times Editorial 482
1439 Ruling threatens Xi’s tenuous hold Paul Lin 林保華 503
1440 US planing a new East Asia pivot Parris Chang 張旭成 521
Page 72 of 139


Widespread resentment from local Tibetans resulted in the cancellation of a long-planned trip by Gyaltsen (Ch. Gyaincain) Norbu, the China appointed 11th Panchen Lama to the Amdo region of Tibet this month, reports confirm.

Threats of pay-cuts and extermination from jobs failed to deter local Tibetan officials from complying with Chinese government decree to prepare a grand welcome for the 21-year old Gyaltsen Norbu.

“Fake” Panchen, a term popularly used to describe the boy handpicked by the Chinese government was scheduled to visit the Labrang monastery in Sangchu county amidst tight security. Over a thousand Chinese police and security forces, including plainclothes police, were reportedly stationed around the monastery as preparatory measures.