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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

CECC to lower virus alert to level 2

Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung attends the Central Epidemic Command Center’s daily news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo courtesy of the Central Epidemic Command Center

A nationwide COVID-19 alert is to be lowered from level 3 to 2 on Tuesday, but strict border controls would remain, the government said yesterday.

The level 3 alert in place since May 19 is to end on Monday, with a level 2 alert in place from Tuesday until Aug. 9, the Executive Yuan said.


Beijing’s becoming brazen in its sins

In an unprecedented move, a group of democratic nations led by the US, UK and EU in a joint statement on Tuesday accused the Chinese Ministry of State Security of having carried out a major cyberattack earlier this year and stealing data from at least 30,000 organizations worldwide, including governments, universities and firms in key industries. Western officials were reportedly perplexed by the attack’s brazen execution and unparalleled scale.

In an article on the attack, BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera wrote: “Western spies are still struggling to understand why Chinese behavior has changed.”


‘Taiwanese’ office to open in Lithuania

Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis speaks at a news conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 4.
Photo: Reuters

Taiwan is to establish a “Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania,” the first office in Europe to be called Taiwanese, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced yesterday.

“It is an important diplomatic breakthrough,” President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) wrote on Facebook, thanking diplomatic personnel for the significant achievement.


First domestic vaccine approved for use

Food and Drug Administration Director Wu Hsiu-mei speaks at a Central Epidemic Command Center news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo courtesy of the Central Epidemic Command Center

An emergency use authorization (EUA) for Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp’s (高端疫苗) COVID-19 vaccine — MVC-COV1901 — for people aged 20 and older was issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday.


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US Representative Gerry Connolly speaks at a House Committee on Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations hearing on “IRS in the Pandemic” in Washington on Oct. 7 last year .
Photo: Reuters

A bipartisan coalition of US congressmen on Monday introduced legislation that aims to counter China’s claim to represent Taiwan in international organizations.