Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Lithuania’s courageous decision

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday issued a statement lambasting Lithuania over its decision to allow Taiwan to open a representative office under its own name. The ministry has recalled Chinese Ambassador Shen Zhifei (申知非) and demanded that Diana Mickeviciene, Lithuania’s envoy to China, leave Beijing.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regularly dresses down foreign governments for behavior it regards as inappropriate, but only on very rare occasions does it withdraw ambassadors.


Nearly 90 percent of public identify with Taiwan: poll

Taiwan New Constitution Foundation chairman Koo Kwang-ming holds a placard at a news conference in Taipei yesterday, saying that the country should participate in the 2024 Paris Olympics in the name of “Taiwan,” not “Chinese Taipei.”
Photo: Chen Yu-fu, Taipei Times

Nearly 90 percent of the public identify themselves as Taiwanese and about two-thirds said they are willing to fight for the country in case of war, a survey released yesterday by the Taiwan New Constitution Foundation showed.


The US needs a ‘one Taiwan’ policy

In this complicated and often confusing post-Cold War era, the US and other nations need to up their international game and establish a “one Taiwan” policy. This is long overdue.

The nations should understand that a “one Taiwan” policy is not in conflict with the existing but purposely vague “one China” policy that they hold. People that see a conflict there, show that they have never grasped the differences between a “one China” policy and the “one China” principle that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) foists on the world.


No more Chinese gadgets for government: source

Surveillance cameras hang on a post in front of Hikvision Digital Technology’s headquarters in Hangzhou, China, on May 28, 2019.
Photo: Bloomberg

Government agencies are to be banned from using any Chinese electronics from the end of this year, rather than have a “blacklist” of products that must be continually updated, a source within the Executive Yuan said on Saturday.


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Central Epidemic Command Center supply division head Tsai Shou-chuan, left, speaks as Centers for Disease Control Deputy Director-General Chuang Jen-hsiang listens at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday confirmed that more than 830,000 nonmedical-grade masks were seized at customs for being falsely labeled as being made in Taiwan.