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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

2010 ELECTIONS: KMT threatens lawsuit over TV show

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) threatened legal action after guests on a talk show criticized President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), but the party said it was only defending its reputation against political talk show guests and comments it regarded as departing from the truth, and was not taking action against media outlets themselves.

KMT Secretary-General King Pu-tsung (金溥聰) made the remarks in response to a report published by the Chinese-language United Daily News yesterday that said the KMT would file a lawsuit against Formosa Television (FTV, 民視) over comments recently made on its political talk show Boss Talk (頭家來開講).


TV Talk Show Host Cheng Hung-yi Tells it Like it Is in Taiwan

Taiwanese, are you tired of listening to the deception and double talk of the phony pony? Are you tired of Ma Ying-joke playing by double standards? Are you tired of the hypocrisy of the KMT as they take a holier than thou attitude after they have consistently ripped the country off for half a century and their mayoral candidates continue to do so? TV Talk Show Host, Cheng Hung-yi finally told it like it is recently while speaking at a private rally last week.

Is Ma Ying-joke the son of a turtle? You be the judge. Who has consistently hid the ROC flag when representatives of China show their face on the island. Who had Taiwanese students beaten up so that Chen Yun-lin would not have to look on the ROC flag while he was in Taiwan? Who by his silence allowed referees to try and prevent students from showing the flag and sanctioned the lame name of Chinese Taipei for minor sporting events in Taiwan? No one but the turtle.


Was the judiciary independent?

The ruling by the Taipei District Court on Nov. 5 finding former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and his wife not guilty in a bribery case was construed by many — including this author — as a sign that the judiciary under the Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) administration was beginning to reassert its independence. Reaction to the news by the pan-blue camp was so strident, and the decision so antithetical to what ostensibly has been a policy of keeping Chen in check, that the court appeared to have laid to rest fears that the judiciary had become little more than a conveyor belt for the Ma government.

Commenting on the ruling, some elements within the pan-green camp, meanwhile, said this was only part of a series of rulings that ultimately would fully exonerate the former president. Chen’s smile as he emerged from a police van on his way to court for another case earlier this week also spoke volumes about how he interpreted this unexpected development.


Write to President A-Bian

Pray for Peace(Activity initiated at 2009.07.16)

Dear friends,

Former President Chen Shui-Bian's detention again extended by Tsai Shou-Xun. And, Chen's family also suffered a variety of unfair treatment. It becomes a genocide style of political persecution.


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Academics yesterday called on the government to invite the Dalai Lama, Nobel Peace Prize laurete Liu Xiaobo’s (劉曉波) widow, Liu Xia (劉霞), and World Uyghur Congress president Rebiya Kadeer to Taiwan, as pressure from Beijing is bound to continue regardless.

China has over the past year snatched away diplomatic allies, contrived to terminate Taichung’s right to host the East Asian Youth Games, and demanded that foreign airlines and businesses change how they refer to Taiwan.