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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Breaking: A monk sets self ablaze in Tibet

Charred body of Kunchok Tenzin
Charred body of Kunchok Tenzin

DHARAMSHALA, March 29: A monk from Mogri Monastery in Luchu in Eastern Tibet has set himself on fire in an apparent protest against China’s continuing occupation of Tibet.

“Kunchok Tenzin set himself ablaze at a road intersection near his monastery at 7pm (local time) on Tuesday, March 26,” said Kanyag Tsering of Dharamsala-based Kirti Monastery, who closely monitors self-immolations inside Tibet. Twenty-eight-year-old Tenzin died in his fiery protest.


Jeff Koo confirms trial rigging against Chen Shui-bian in court statement

Chen Shui-bian's health continues to deteriorate in ROC custody

Jeffery Koo, Jr. says that the Taipei High Court should reject a statement he gave against former President Chen Shui-bian as it was false and obtained from Koo under threat of imprisonment. Koo made his statement on March 26 in a pre-trial hearing on evidence presented against him by the Special Investigation Division of the Supreme Prosecutors Office.

Chen Shu-bian was president of the Republic of China in-exile from 2000 to 2008 and has been imprisoned under harsh conditions for purported corruption since shortly after leaving office. Jeffery Koo, Jr., the chief witness against Chen, alleged a large campaign donation was actually a bribe. Chen was convicted and given a lengthy prison sentence following a controversial trial largely on the strength of Koo’s statement.


Ma confidante faces bribery charges

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei City Councilor Lai Su-ju, second right, arrives for questioning in connection with a corruption investigation at the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office on Wednesday evening.
Photo: CNA

The Taipei Prosecutors’ Office yesterday sought the court’s permission to detain a Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei City councilor known for her close ties to President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), on suspicion of accepting bribes in the bidding process for the Taipei Twin Towers project.

Lai Su-ju (賴素如), a lawyer and former KMT spokeswoman who now runs Ma’s KMT chairman’s office, was accused of promising to help a multinational consortium win the bid for the project in exchange for NT$10 million (US$334,520).


Self-immolation Toll 113: Exile administration offers prayers

Undated photo of Tulku Thupten Nyendak and Atse
Undated photo of Tulku Thupten Nyendak and Atse

DHARAMSHALA, March 28: Considering different ways of setting themselves on fire in Tibet, the exile Tibetan administration includes Tulku Thupten Nyendak and his niece Atse in the list of self-immolators.

Forty-five-year-old Thupten Nyendak of Dragkar Monastery in Lhagang in Kham, Eastern Tibet, and Atse, 23, from Serta Tibetan Buddhist Institute set themselves on fire at the former’s residence in Dzogchen Monastery on 6 April 2012. This reportedly happened after they offered butter lamps and prayers for all the Tibetan.


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The US has made a breakthrough in perfecting a new laser weapons system that may one day be used to defend Taiwan.

It is a laser or ray-gun type weapon that will eventually be able to take down multiple enemy missiles at the same time.

At a Congressional hearing on Wednesday, Larry Wortzel, a military expert with a special knowledge of Taiwan, was asked by US Republican Representative Steven Chabot about the approximately 1,100 Chinese missiles targeting Taiwan.