Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Remember Taiwan, US Congress members tell Obama

Leaders of the US Congressional Taiwan Caucus have written to US President Barack Obama urging him to remember Taiwan’s “vital interests” during the two-day summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) which starts today in California.

“Taiwan is a strong democracy, a close trading partner, and an ally of the US,” they said in the letter.

It is signed by Republican representatives Mario Diaz-Balart and John Carter, and Democratic representatives Gerald Connolly and Albio Sires.


Fresh and bold approach on Tibet necessary: US Congress commission leaders

DHARAMSHALA, June 6: On the eve of presidents Barack Obama and Xi Jinping’s maiden presidential level summit, leaders of a US Congress commission have called on the Obama Administration to embark on a fresh and bold approach to improving conditions in Tibet.

The Congressmen made their remarks at a June 5 hearing on "Human rights in Tibet" summoned by the Congress' Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission.


Double standards of the judiciary

One would think that the judiciary, having come under much criticism for a perceived lack of impartiality, would work to restore the public’s dwindling confidence. However, it has continued to amaze the public with its blatant bias.

On Friday, Cho Po-chung (卓伯仲), the younger brother of Changhua County Commissioner Cho Po-yuan (卓伯源), was charged with colluding with business groups to illegally pocket NT$49 million (US$1.6 million) in the county government’s procurement of environmentally friendly shopping bags.


FAPA expresses ‘deep concern’ at A-bian suicide bid

The suicide attempt earlier this week by former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) was a direct result of inadequate medical treatment, the Washington-based Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) said.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, FAPA expressed its “deep concern” for what it called “this further downturn” in Chen’s health.


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Workers use cranes and diggers to remove a train wreckage from a stretch of railroad in Hualien County yesterday.
Photo: Tu Chien-jung, Taipei Times

The number of people injured in a Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) train accident in Hualien County on Friday has increased to 200, the Central Emergency Operation Center (CEOC) said.