Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Sovereignty belongs to Taiwanese

Taiwan’s fishermen have been awash in a sea of trouble recently, amid their involvement in territorial disputes to the north and south of the nation.

First there was the spat with Japan over fishing rights and sovereignty vis-a-vis the Diaoyutais (釣魚台), which Tokyo calls the Senkakus. That conflict had barely been settled when the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman occurred near the Philippines, where Taiwan’s claimed exclusive economic zone overlaps with that claimed by Manila.


Cross-strait pact is ‘policy ambush’

Some people make decisions based on their gut, while others spend time to consider the gains and losses before taking a shot. Politicians are no different: Some initiate policies according to instinct, while others seek hard facts and analyze the details before making up their minds.

Regarding the just-signed cross-Taiwan Strait service trade pact, it seems that President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) government has denied Taiwanese a full understanding of the contents of the agreement, expecting them to just go with the government’s instinct toward opening the domestic market.


The right to the Taiwanese Dream

We teach our children that if they want to dream, then dream big, not only because they have the right to dream, but if they work hard and opportunity allows, one day that dream might just come true.

For most people a dream is an aspiration to achieve something they desire. They work toward that dream, hoping to fulfill it someday.


Campaigners deplore Tibet’s exclusion from G8 joint communiqué

Oxfam's 'Big Head' G8 leaders are seen here in Belfast ahead of the G8 summit in Northern Ireland in order to demand the leaders tackle the severe problem of global hunger.
Oxfam's 'Big Head' G8 leaders are seen here in Belfast ahead of the G8 summit in Northern Ireland in order to demand the leaders tackle the severe problem of global hunger.

DHARAMSHALA, June 18: Tibet advocacy groups have expressed “deep disappointment” at the failure of G8 leaders to make any mention on the situation in Tibet in a joint communiqué at the end of their two day annual summit.

In a statement today, Tibet campaigners deplored the exclusion of any commitment by the G8 leaders on “working multilaterally to tackle China’s failed policies” in Tibet.


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The US Navy has invited Taiwan to participate in the Pacific Partnership humanitarian relief training mission in the Solomon Islands in August, a senior defense official said on condition of anonymity.

Washington has been working toward giving Taiwan a greater role in the Pacific Partnership long before the US Senate began mulling hospital ship visits to Taiwan, although those efforts have received little publicity, the official said.