Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ex-envoy to Japan says Taiwanese lack sense of crisis

Taiwan’s gravest crisis is the lack of a sense of crisis among its people, who are at a crossroads, faced with the choice of being annexed by China and living under a one-party regime or continuing to be citizens of a free and democratic nation, former representative to Japan Koh Se-kai (許世楷) said.

Koh made the remarks in a speech, titled “Taiwan’s Prospects: Seeing from the Taiwan-Japan Ties,” at a public event in Tokyo on Sunday.


Chasing ratings hurting coverage of foreign news

Taiwan’s media organizations’ failure to provide sufficient high-quality international news could be a result of their lack of vision, as news outlets focus only on trivial and sensational stories to attract high ratings, media insiders said.

“There is demand for serious global news coverage in Taiwan, but the media do not want to make the investment,” said Feng Chien-san (馮建三), a journalism professor at National Chengchi University.


US expert ‘pessimistic’ on China, Taiwan

Stressing the geostrategic importance of Taiwan to the region, Columbia University political science professor Andrew Nathan, an expert on Chinese politics, said yesterday in Taipei that he was “rather pessimistic” about China’s growing sway over Taiwan through closer cross-strait economic integration.

As economic ties between Taiwan and China grow, it makes Taiwan “more vulnerable to Chinese influence,” Nathan said in Mandarin at the launch of the Chinese-language edition of his book China’s Search for Security.


The Shame of Ma Ying-jeou: Chen Shui-bian and Taiwanese Silence

Taiwan is under threat. It is not under threat from a military force across the Strait. It is not under threat of economic collapse due to global shifts. It's not even under the level of threat that much of the region is facing due to climate changes. Taiwan is rotting from within, and it is the responsibility of each and every citizen of Taiwan as well as a globe which watches with backs turned that it is such.


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From left, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator-at-large candidate Wellington Koo, DPP Legislator Lee Ying-yuan and DPP Kaohsiung City Councilor Lien Li-jen hold a news conference in Taipei yesterday accusing the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) of vote-buying.
Photo: CNA

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday accused the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) of involvement in nationwide vote-buying activities for the Jan. 16 presidential and legislative elections, warning that it might file lawsuits after the elections.