Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Lame-duck Ma could be a threat to the nation

The Taipei High Administrative Court ruled against the Ministry of Education in a case involving its curriculum guidelines committee — which recommended controversial adjustments to the high-school social studies curriculum — for failing to release the names of committee members. However, President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration is ignoring the court’s ruling and pushing ahead with the changes.


How Taiwan can avoid a Chinese takeover: expert

US Naval War College professor James Holmes has some advice for Taiwan on how to avoid a Chinese takeover.

“I reject the idea that a free people is doomed to fall to foreign conquerors,” he said.

Writing on Web site RealClearDefense, the strategy expert said that Taiwan can “master its destiny” if it does a few basic things.


Ex-air force officer accused of spying for Chinese network

From left, retired army major general Hsu Nai-chuan, retired air force colonel Chou Chih-li, retired air force colonel Ke Chi-hsien and air force Lieutenant Colonel Lou Wen-ching, have all been indicted by Taipei prosecutors for violating the National Security Act by spying for China.
Photo: CNA

Taipei prosecutors yesterday indicted retired air force lieutenant colonel Liu Chi-ju (劉其儒) on suspicion of collaborating with a major espionage network on behalf of China.

Prosecutors said they had earlier indicted Chinese national Zhen Xiaojiang (鎮小江), who retired from China’s People’s Liberation Army as a captain, on charges of espionage.


Supporting the right to freedom of choice

In terms of the controversy over independence and unification, I once asked my students whether they wanted to be Chinese, Taiwanese or citizens of the 51st state of the US.

Most of the students actually preferred the latter.

It was not that they had forgotten their origins, or that they fawned on foreign powers; rather, beyond the controversy over independence or unification with China, they were simply pursuing the dignity and the value of “freedom of choice” — the very thing that makes us human.


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The economic “status quo,” which benefits China, is changing, presenting opportunities for closer cooperation between Taiwan and the US, former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo told a business forum in Kaohsiung yesterday.

Pompeo is visiting Taiwan for the second time this year to attend the Global Taiwan Business Forum, organized by the Liberty Times (sister paper of the Taipei Times).

In a speech before more than 300 business representatives at the Kaohsiung Marriott Hotel, Pompeo discussed shifting relations in Southeast Asia driven by aggressive Chinese conduct.