Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Only Taiwanese can save Taiwan

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has always bragged about establishing more peaceful and stable cross-strait relations, but his constant concessions to China seem to be pushing Taiwan to suicide, as Beijing has never ceased to demonstrate its territorial ambitions.

Earlier this year, Beijing’s unilateral announcement that it planned to establish a new flight route along the median of the Taiwan Strait — which has long served as the de facto boundary between Taiwan and China — was met with indignation by Taiwanese, as many considered it a provocative move.


Dispelling the ‘1992 consensus’ lie

The so-called “1992 consensus” never happened. It is a joke, a sham, a fabrication, or as some more bluntly might put it: a “fabricated lie.”

It is time to bury the term and say goodbye to all that gibberish. Then, once that is done, the deeper questions need to be asked, such as why did former Mainland Affairs Commission head Su Chi (蘇起) invent this term in 2000, why do some people insist on trying to perpetuate “this lie” and what next?


KMT’s true colors on display for all to see

The controversy over Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) presidential hopeful Hung Hsiu-chu’s (洪秀柱) master’s degree continues, with some now questioning whether she is able to continue her candidacy.

I do not care if Hung fails in her bid. I care about the KMT’s behavior in this debacle. How has Hung been able to muddle along in the KMT for 20 years with a questionable master’s degree — and even be appointed as the party’s presidential candidate? Is it really only because of her loyalty?


Freddy Lim unfolds New Power Party platform

Chthonic frontman and New Power Party legislative candidate Freddy Lim is pictured on Sunday last week in Taipei.
Photo: Su Fang-ho, Taipei Times

The frontman of the heavy metal band Chthonic, Freddy Lim (林昶佐), has channeled his anger at corruption into action. He intends to effect change from the inside out by running for office in Taipei’s Wanhua (萬華) and Zhongzheng (中正) districts under the banner of the the New Power Party (NPP), which he founded.

In an interview, Lim recently outlined his party’s campaign platform and described his commitment to promoting independence, justice and fairness.


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Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei City Councilor Lai Su-ju, second right, arrives for questioning in connection with a corruption investigation at the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office on Wednesday evening.
Photo: CNA

The Taipei Prosecutors’ Office yesterday sought the court’s permission to detain a Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei City councilor known for her close ties to President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), on suspicion of accepting bribes in the bidding process for the Taipei Twin Towers project.

Lai Su-ju (賴素如), a lawyer and former KMT spokeswoman who now runs Ma’s KMT chairman’s office, was accused of promising to help a multinational consortium win the bid for the project in exchange for NT$10 million (US$334,520).